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  /    /  How We Scaled Website Sales By Using Social And Google Ads For Pepe Jeans

How We Scaled Website Sales By Using Social And Google Ads For Pepe Jeans

Every brand has a sales funnel and in this journey each customer passes through , starting from a stranger to a loyal, raving customer.

We implement 5 Step strategy :

  • Implement and created campaign as per  Facebook Ads funnel structure
    • TOFU (Top of Funnel) : Since the website is new, we targeted people who’d never heard about the India Website
    • MOFU (Middle of Funnel) : Activated special Collection Ads and targeting those who’d heard of the brand but still weren’t ready to buy
    • BOFU (Bottom of Funnel) : Implement remarketing campaign and targeting those who ae ready to buy but needed an extra push
  • Refine Audience Targeting Based on the Funnel
  • Activated Google AdWords
  • Increased the audience size weekly
  • Implemented Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce for shopper insights



3.5 X increase in ROAS