Daayan is a supernatural drama series, created by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms that launched on &TV.
The objective of the social media campaign was to extensively promote Daayan by establishing it as a one-of-its-kind supernatural series. The idea was to create high buzz around its concept, uniquely position it in the horror shows category, create a high recall value and get people intrigued enough to watch theshow!
The entire campaign, which revolved around the hashtag #ApnonKeBeech, was divided into 2 parts, in line with the lunar phases. The transition day in between,which fell on Amavasya,was strategically used to create a spike, implying that the Daayan has arrived. The posts that went out on this day were black and white, suggesting a surge in her powers.
All the creatives had an eerie feel to them, to build a scary perception of the show. The execution of the phases was divided into three pillars: Visual, Voice and Micro. Visuals included a series of captivating video posts and cinemagraphs; Voice-over creatives shed light on the myths associated with Daayan and finally the micro content brought about the spooky presence of Daayan, indicating her arrival.
The success of the digital media campaign was reflected in the fact that the show got an incredible launch TV rating of 0.85.
The agency also did an innovation in the form of a Daayan AR filter which received an overwhelming response from the audience.
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The agency launched the campaign by releasing a series of video posts. Through these teasers, the Daayan character was built by spookily shedding light on her personality and traits.
The audience then were treated to a host of Daayan cinemagraphs. These videos were launched to accentuate the impact of the character and increase the show’s recall value. This was done through adding spine-chilling elements which would heighten the viewer’s experience and give a glimpse of what they will see in the show.
One of the major highlights of the campaign was the creation of an AR filter of Daayan. Activated through a simple click, this quickly became an audience-favourite.
Since the campaign was divided into two parts, we aligned it with the lunar phases. Amavasya,which fell in between the two, was strategically utilised to create a spike. The agency did a social media takeover by &TV, communicatingthat this transition day marked the peak of Daayan’s powers. The creatives that were sharedon this day were black and white.
Another content pillar that the agency capitalized was voice-over. Through voice-over creatives, the myths associated with the Daayan were introduced to the audience.